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中兴ZXDU68 T601整流模块

2019/7/29 4:39:17发布125次查看

1.中兴zxdu68 t601通信电源系统的整流模块采用无损伤热插拔技术,可在线不断电直接操作。其输出和输入都有软启动单元,当模块插入系统时,不会引起系统输出电压的扰动。更换模块时间小于1分钟。整流模块采用先进的数字化均流技术,无需监控模块,整流模块间可以自动均流. 中兴zxdu68 t601通信电源是中兴公司设计的新一代通信电源系统,整机效率高达90%,最大功率可达到34800w。xdu68 t601采用完全数字化设计,模块安装、使用和维护非常简单 2、中兴zxdu68 t601通信电源系统特点 室内型直流电源系统,额定直流输出电压为–53.5 v。 满配置12个zxd2400整流器,系统最大输出功率为34800 w。 采用三相交流输入,宽输入电压范围(相电压80 v ~ 300 v)。 蓄电池外置在zxdu68 t601系统机柜外。zxdu68 t601系统机柜内集交流配电、直流配电、整流和监控于一体。
中兴zxdu68 t601
中兴zxdu68 t
zte中兴 zxdu68 t601组合电源系统
具有完善的监控管理功能 节能管理:支持自动节能、暂时非节能、永久非节能。 蓄电池管理:支持温度补偿、充电限电流、自动周期均充、自动周期测试。 下电管理:支持自动二次下电保护,支持手动下电控制。zte中兴 zxdu68 t601组合电源系统 信息管理:支持系统信息查询、告警信息查询、历史记录查询。 告警提示:支持声音告警、光告警、干接点告警和通讯告警。 支持rs232、rs485、干接点、ip等多种监控组网方式。 3、技术指标 适用环境 工作温度:-5 ℃ ~ +45 ℃,最佳+15 ℃ ~ +25 ℃ 存储温度:-40 ℃ ~ +70 ℃ 相对湿度:10% ~ 90%(无冷凝),最佳40% ~ 60% 大气压:70 kpa ~ 106 kpa 交流配电 交流输入制式三相五线制(l1/l2/l3/n/pe) 额定交流输入电压相电压:220 v,线电压:380 v 交流输入电压范围可波动范围(相电压):80 v ~ 300 v ? <70 v时,欠压关机; ? 70 v~80 v时,欠压保护; ? 80 v~100 v时,单台整流器输出限流点为20a±2a; ? 100 v~176 v时,单台整流器输出限流点为31a±2a; ? 176 v~300 v时,单台整流器输出限流点为53a±1a;中兴zxdu68 t601高频开关电源机柜 ? 300 v时,过压保护关机 交流输入频率范围:50/60 hz 单相最大输入电流:72 a 防雷级别c级交流防雷,防雷泄放电流≤ 40 ka 输入功率因数:≥ 0.99
室内型直流电源系统,额定直流输出电压为–53.5 v。zte中兴 zxdu68 t601组合电源系统
满配置12个zxd2400整流器,系统输出功率为34800 w。
采用三相交流输入,宽输入电压范围(相电压80 v ~ 300 v)。
蓄电池外置在zxdu68 t601系统机柜外。zxdu68 t601系统机柜内集交流配电、直流配电、整流和监控于一体。
中兴zxdu68 t601机中兴zxdu68 t601
中兴zxd2400整流电源模块zte中兴 zxdu68 t601组合电源系统
中兴zxdu68 t601具有高效、高功率密度、高可靠性、智能化控制和造形美观等特点。中兴zxdu68 t601输出电流600a,输出电压:-48v,功率34800w。
是国内主流室内开关电源柜领导者,经典之作,难以媲美。中兴zxdu68 t601高频开关电源机柜
zte zxdu68 t601 indoor switching power supply cabinet
zte zte zxdu68 t601 combined power system
input: 3/n/pe 380/220v-50/60hz 48a
output: -48v -600a
tel certification: 030064610512r0lzte中兴 zxdu68 t601组合电源系统
two hundred and ten billion fifty-three million seven hundred and sixty-five thousand six hundred and sixteen中兴zxdu68 t601机柜电源
it is full with 12 zxd2400v4.1 v4.3 power modules.
zte corp
zte global customer support service.
the pride of the country and the rejuvenation of china.
zte zxdu68 t601 communication power supply system features indoor type dc power system, and the rated dc output voltage is - 53.5 v. a full 12 zxd2400 rectifier is installed, and the output power of the system is 34800 w. three phase ac input and wide input voltage range (phase voltage 80 v to 300 v) are adopted. the storage battery is outside the zxdu68 t601 system cabinet. zxdu68 t601 system cabinet includes ac distribution, dc distribution, rectification and monitoring. the rectifier and the monitoring unit support hot pluggable.
zte csu401s monitoring module
zte zxd2400 rectifier power module
zte zxdu68 t601 has the characteristics of high efficiency, high power density, high reliability, intelligent control and beautiful shape. zte zxdu68 t601 output current 600a, output voltage: -48v, power 34800w.
it's the leading indoor switchboard cabinet leader in china.zte中兴 zxdu68 t601组合电源系统
中兴zxdu68 t601室内开关电源机柜中兴zxdu68 t601高频开关电源机柜
中兴zxdu68 t601机柜电源
系统特点zte中兴 zxdu68 t601组合电源系统
室内型直流电源系统,额定直流输出电压为–53.5 v。
蓄电池管理:支持温度补偿、充电限电流、自动周期均充、自动周期测试。中兴zxdu68 t601机柜电源
技术指标  适用环境  工作温度:-5 ℃ ~ +45 ℃,最佳+15 ℃ ~ +25 ℃  存储温度:-40 ℃ ~ +70 ℃  相对湿度:10% ~ 90%(无冷凝),最佳40% ~ 60%  大气压:70 kpa ~ 106 kpa zte中兴 zxdu68 t601组合电源系统 交流配电  交流输入制式三相五线制(l1/l2/l3/n/pe) 中兴zxdu68 t601机柜电源 额定交流输入电压相电压:220 v,线电压:380 v  交流输入电压范围可波动范围(相电压):80 v ~ 300 v
the huawei psm-a11 monitoring module uses the 80386ex cpu as the main controller and rtos as the system platform. in addition to collecting, processing, sending and distributing units, and the data of the rectifier module, it can also carry out accurate and comprehensive intelligent management of the battery.
emerson / huawei psm-a11 switching power module
it is frequency modulation (中兴zxdu68 t601高频开关电源机柜
(1) buck circuit - buck chopped emerson / huawei psm-a11 switching power module wave device, its output average voltage u0 is less than the input voltage ui, polarity is the same.
(2) boost circuit -- boost chopper, whose output average voltage u0 is greater than the input voltage ui, the polarity is the same.
(3) buck boost circuit -- buck or boost chopper, whose output average voltage u0 is greater than or less than the input voltage ui, polarity is opposite, inductance transmission.
(4) cuk circuit -- step-down or boost chopper, whose output average voltage u0 is greater than or less than the input voltage ui. there are also sepic, zeta circuits.
the above is a non isolated dc-dc converter circuit, and the isolated dc-dc converter has a forward circuit and a flyback circuit.
half bridge circuit, full bridge circuit, push-pull circuit.中兴zxdu68 t601机柜电源
today's soft switching technology makes dc/dc a qualitative leap. a variety of eci soft switching dc/dc converters designed and manufactured by the american vicor company have the output power of 300w, 600w, 800w and so on. the corresponding power density is (6.2, 10, 17) w/cm3, and the efficiency is (80~90)%. a high frequency switching power module rm series using soft switching technology is introduced by tdk-lambda company in japan. the switching frequency is (200~300) khz, the power density has reached 27w/cm3, and the synchronous rectifier (mosfet ins中兴zxdu68 t601高频开关电源机柜tead of schottky diode) has been used to improve the efficiency of the whole circuit to 90%. ac/dc transform is the conversion of ac to dc, its power flow can be two-way, power flow from the power supply to the load called "rectification", power flow from the load back to the power is called "active inverter". the ac/dc converter is input to 50/60hz, because it must be rectified and filtered, so the relatively large filter capacitor is necessary. at the same time, because of the safety standards (such as ul, ccee, etc.) and the restriction of emc instruction (such as iec, fcc, csa), the ac input side must be added with emc filtering and the use meets the safety standard. the size of the ac/dc power supply is limited, and the internal high frequency, high voltage and high current switching actions are used to solve the emc. problem.
(4) cuk circuit -- step-down or boost chopper, whose output average voltage u0 is greater than or less than the input voltage ui. there are also sepic, zeta circuits.zte中兴 zxdu68 t601组合电源系统
1 加强通信设备的过电压防护
1.1 加强电源设备的雷电过电压防护
1.2 通信线路防止过电压
各种通信设备的入口和出口,必须通过通信电缆才能与用户发生联系,而设置保安配线柜(架) 则就是为方便安全配线。有的公司只用一个分线箱就进行出线、入线的汇接而没有安装保安配线柜(架),这种做法极易造成通信设备的损坏。通信的特点是可靠性高、容量小,通信电缆沿电力杆路架设强电、故受强电磁场干扰的概率大。特别是在住宅区,电话线沿电力杆路与照明线同杆架设和通信音频电缆,交叉处的绝缘层发生损坏,导致强电侵入。吊挂通信电缆的钢绞线,由于城区地形不一、一些照明线、灯箱线交错,容易引起强电侵入或干扰。雷电干扰或是一些线路故障、产生电流突变时,会产生瞬变强电磁场,从而造成对通信线路的强电磁感应过电压。有时会产生程控电话交换机大面积烧坏、停运的故障,因此,通信电缆进入机房务必得接入保安配线柜。保安配线柜应装有抑制电缆线对纵向对过电压、过电流的限幅装置。 压敏电阻或固体(气体)放电管与正温度系数热敏电阻,组成抑制过电压能力强,响应速度快,通流量大的保安单元。当一些通信线路与电力线接触时或遭受到雷电干扰,固体(气体)放电管放电(或压敏电阻限幅)将高压入地,使危险电压下降到安全范围。如线路遭受幅值在350ma以上电流时,正温度系数热敏电阻的阻值会迅速增加,使线路呈现断开状态,回路电流幅度减小,从而保护了室内通信设备。当过过电流、电压消除后,保安单元就会自动恢复正常。所以,保安配线柜的使用对于防止通信线路干扰过电压,降低设备故障率是非常必要的。
1.2 communication lines to prevent overvoltage
the entrance and exit of all kinds of communication equipment must be connected with the user through the communication cable, and the security wiring cabinet (frame) is to facilitate the safety wiring. some companies use only one branch box to go out and connect to the line without installing a security wiring cabinet (frame), which is very easy to cause damage to the communication equipment. communication is characterized by high reliability and small capacity, and the probability of strong interference caused by strong electric magnetic field is strong for communication cables to be erected along the power poles. especially in the residential area, the telephone line is erected along the pole road and the lighting line to set up and communicate audio cables. the insulation layer at the intersection is damaged, which leads to strong electricity invasion. because of the different terrain of the city, the interlacing of some lighting lines and light boxes, it is easy to cause strong electricity intrusion or interference. when lightning interference or some line faults occur and sudden changes in current occur, a transient strong magnetic field will be generated, resulting in strong electromagnetic induction overvoltage on communication lines. sometimes there will be trouble of large scale burn out and shutdown of program-controlled telephone exchanges. therefore, communication cables must be connected to the security distribution cabinets when they enter the computer room. the security wiring cabinet shall be equipped with a limiting device for restraining the longitudinal overvoltage and overcurrent of the cable. a pressure sensitive resistor or a solid (gas) discharge tube and a positive temperature coefficient thermistor to form a security unit with strong ability to suppress overvoltage, fast response and large flow rate. when some communication lines contact with the power line or suff中兴zxdu68 t601高频开关电源机柜er from lightning interference, the solid (gas) discharge tube (or pressure sensitive resistance limit) puts the high pressure into the ground and reduces the dangerous voltage to the safety range. if the line suffers from a current of more than 350ma, the resistance value of the positive temperature coefficient thermistor will increase rapidly, making the line disconnected and reducing the loop current amplitude, thus protecting the indoor communication equipment. after overcurrent and voltage are eliminated, the security unit will automatically return to normal. therefore, the use of security distribution cabinets is necessary to prevent communication lines from disturbing the overvoltage and reducing the failure rate of equipment.
相关产品:中兴zxdu68 , t601 , 中兴通信电源整流模块 , 中兴通信电源



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